CPBA-AP Sample Questions

Sample Video-Based Multiple Choice Question

  1. Which of the following best describes the interventionist’s approach to teaching articulation?
    1. Modeling
    2. Prompting
    3. Fading
    4. Shaping

2.  A child is engaging in challenging behavior, and the interventionist is unclear as to the conditions under which the challenging behavior occurs. To determine the function the interventionist conducts an analogue functional analysis (e.g., Iwata et al., 1982/1994). One potential limitation of the results of this functional analysis is…

    1. They might determine function but will not suggest a function-based intervention.
    2. They may suggest the behavior is respondent and not operant.
    3. They may not account for rapidly changing or multiple functions.
    4. They are questionable due to a lack of experimental control.

3. Which of following is consistent with the guidelines for progressive discrete trial teaching?

    1. Avoiding telling the learner “No,” following an incorrect response.
    2. Using natural language as much as possible.
    3. Using trial-by-trial data to show changes in behavior.
    4. Decreasing the number of learning units.

4. When first communicating with a parent, an interventionist should:

    1. Provide a list of technological jargon when they do not understand. 
    2. Use technological jargon.
    3. Teach them appropriate technological jargon.
    4. Avoid using technological jargon.

5. Which BEST describes a rationale for using in-the-moment reinforcer analysis to identify potential reinforcers instead of a formal preference assessment (e.g., paired-stimulus preference assessment)?

    1. In-the-moment reinforcer analysis can result in less time spent to identify potential reinforcers than formal preference assessments.
    2. Formal preference assessments (e.g., multiple-stimulus without replacement) identify preferences, but do not consistently identify reinforcers.
    3. In-the-moment reinforcer analysis requires less training to implement than formal preference assessments (e.g., single-stimulus)
    4. Formal preference assessments (e.g., multiple-stimulus with replacement) often require more than one person to implement.

6. Best practices for the use of punishment include:

    1. Effective intensity, unpredictable schedule moving towards an FR1 if the behavior persists, and reinforce an alternative behavior.
    2. Immediate application, maximum intensity, and limit reinforcement of the target behavior.
    3. Immediate application, effective intensity, and an FR1 schedule gradually faded.
    4. Time delay, maximum intensity, and limit reinforcement of target behavior

7. The following BEST describes which study?

Operant conditioning procedures were applied to the behavioral problems of a young child diagnosed with autism. Temper tantrums were systematically addressed through a combination of mild punishment (i.e., being put in his room contingent upon a temper tantrum) and extinction/differential reinforcement of non-tantrum behavior (i.e., leaving the door to the room closed until tantrums ceased). Bedtime problems were handled similar to temper tantrums in that he was put back in his room with the door closed if he got out of bed. Stimulus and response shaping were used to increase wearing his glasses, and throwing his glasses was addressed using mild punishment (i.e., being put in his room contingent upon throwing his glasses). Shaping was also used to increase the child’s verbal behavior repertoire. Finally, mild punishment (i.e., removal of his plate) was used to improve the child’s eating problems (e.g., eating with his fingers). 

    1. Lovaas and Simmons (1969)
    2. DeMyer and Ferster (1962)
    3. Ayllon and Michael (1969)
    4. Wolf, Risley, and Mees (1963)

8. According to Leaf and colleagues’ (2016) article entitled “Applied Behavior Analysis is a Science and, Therefore, Progressive,” which of the following sets of descriptors are ALL true of interventionists implementing a Progressive Approach to ABA as it relates to autism intervention?


    • Demonstrate high levels of treatment fidelity (i.e., adheres to the protocol).
    • Relies on least-to-most prompting with respect to discrete trial teaching.
    • Utilizes standard functional analyses (e.g., Iwata et al., 1982) to identify the function of challenging behavior.


    • Implement a wide variety of procedures (e.g., shaping, discrete trial teaching).
    • Provide intervention in a variety of instructional formats (e.g., one-on-one, group).
    • Identify and condition reinforcers through the use of in-the-moment assessment.


    • Regularly attends continuing education events.
    • Records continuous trial-by-trial data.
    • Knows the philosophical underpinnings of behavior analysis.


    • Utilizes the least intrusive behavior change procedures when possible.
    • Ensures the client (when possible) and the client’s caregivers provide input on behavioral goals.
    • Regularly conducts formal preference assessments to ensure intervention includes functional reinforcers.

9. Which has been described in the literature as one benefit of the inclusion of meaningful rationales in the teaching interaction procedure?

    1. The individual is more likely to change their behavior.
    2. Members of the individual’s community are more likely to be satisfied.
    3. Modeling of the appropriate and inappropriate target behavior.
    4. Providing more opportunities for the individual to identify what they are doing incorrectly.

10. There are commonly “special demands” siblings experience when growing up in a household where one child has a diagnosis of autism. All of the following are examples of special demands except:

    1. Taking pride in the achievements of the siblings with autism.
    2. Diminished feelings of being a unique and special person.
    3. A more difficult time for the sibling achieving adolescent independence.
    4. Rejection and frustration related to play.

KEY: 1, D; 2, C; 3, B; 4, D; 5, A; 6, C; 7, D; 8, B; 9, A; 10, A

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