CBPA-AS Eligibility

The Progressive Behavior Analyst Autism Council® (“Council”) Certified Progressive Behavior Analyst-Autism Supervisor™ (CPBA-AS™) certification program is designed to recognize individuals who have the experience, knowledge, and skills necessary to provide competent training, supervision, and oversight to professionals who implement behavioral intervention with individuals diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD).
In order to receive and maintain the CPBA-AS designation, candidates must:
  • Complete the prerequisite education and experience review and audit
  • Pass a multiple-choice examination including both text and video-based scenario assessment questions
  • Achieve a passing score on an evaluation of a performance based video submission

Eligibility Requirements

This certification is designed for professionals with a substantial level of experience in applied behavior analysis (ABA) as it relates to individuals diagnosed with ASD. Experience may include direct implementation and clinical supervision of staff implementing ABA based interventions to individuals with a diagnosis of ASD.

Experience Requirements

8,000 hours (approximately 4 years full-time) of experience in ABA with a concentration in autism are required to be eligible. A minimum of 6,000 experience hours must be accumulated after obtaining a master’s degree. Of the 8,000 required hours:

  • at least 6,000 hours must including providing supervision to others working with individuals diagnosed with ASD.
  • at least 2,000 hours must be providing direct intervention for individuals diagnosed with ASD

Education Requirements

A master’s or doctoral degree in one of the following areas:

  • Applied behavior analysis
  • Behavior analysis
  • Applied behavioral science
  • Behavior modification*
  • Psychology*
  • Behavioral psychology*
  • Education*
  • Special education*
  • Social work*
  • Speech & Language Pathology*
  • Experimental analysis of behavior*
  • Health services research*
  • Marriage and Family Therapy*
  • Child Development*

*Non-ABA master’s or doctoral degrees also need a minimum of 12 hours/credits focused on ABA content.

Historical or international equivalent degrees are accepted.


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