CPBA-AP Recertification Process and Fees

A look at the PBAAC recertification process.

In order to maintain your certification and remain a Certified Progressive Behavior Analyst-Autism Professional®, certificants will need to recertify every 3 years by submitting documentation of approved continuing education activities and paying recertification fees.

Recertification Fee– $200 USD
Late Fee- $100 USD

Failure to successfully recertify by the deadline will result in expiration of the individual’s certification.

If an individual’s certification has been expired for 1-30 days an individual may reinstate their certification by meeting all of the recertification requirements, submitting a complete recertification application, and paying the recertification fee ($200 USD).

If an individual’s certification has been expired for 31-90 days an individual may reinstate their certification by meeting all of the recertification requirements, submitting a complete recertification application, paying the recertification fee ($200 USD), and paying a late fee ($100 USD).

If an individual’s certification has been expired for 91 days or longer, they must reapply for the certification, meet all eligibility requirements in effect at the time of re-application, pay all application fees, and take and pass the examination(s).

Please see the candidate handbook for additional information on recertification.
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