Learn more about the Certified Progressive Behavior Analyst-Autism Professional certification
Learn more about the Certified Progressive Behavior Analyst-Autism Supervisor certification
Learn more about the Certified Progressive Behavior Analyst-Autism Interventionist certification
Our Mission
Provide credentialing programs that preserve and promote a progressive approach to ABA as a treatment method for ASD.
These programs use a rigorous and defensible combination of assessment formats to recognize individuals who meet a high standard of practice.
PBAAC® News & Updates

Updated Instructions for CPBA-AP Candidates Submitting their Content Presentation Evaluations
Please note that effective March 31, 2024, there are updated instructions for the Content Presentation Evaluation assessment for...

Accreditation for the Certified Progressive Behavior Analyst-Autism Professional!
Progressive Behavior Analyst Autism Council® Receives Accreditation of its Certified Progressive Behavior Analyst- Autism Professional® from the National...

New Certification Program Differentiates Professionals Treating Individuals with ASD
First-ever program credentialing Autism Professionals in a Progressive Approach to ABA launches Leaders in the field of Progressive...
What is Progressive ABA?
Progressive ABA is a philosophical approach in which interventionists, supervisors, and applied researchers employ a structured yet flexible approach to behavior change. All efforts are contingent upon and responsive to the individual’s progress. To do this, the Certified Progressive Behavior Analysts use the best available evidence in combination with advanced knowledge of basic principles and constant in-the-moment assessments to inform effective and caring intervention. This results in an approach that is grounded in science, socially-valid, and always progressing.
The PBAAC® is committed to providing a fair, impartial, and objective certification process. Therefore, all candidates must meet the established eligibility requirements and pass a (1) multiple choice question examination that includes video based questions, and (2) a performance assessment by submitting a video that will be evaluated by subject matter experts.