Updated Instructions for CPBA-AP Candidates Submitting their Content Presentation Evaluations

Please note that effective March 31, 2024, there are updated instructions for the Content Presentation Evaluation assessment for CPBA-AP candidates. A candidate must now:

  • upload a government-issued photo ID along with their video and presentation materials for identity verification,
  • attest that the video submission is their own work, and
  • reconfirm that they agree to the attestation presented at the time of application.

As in the current instructions, candidates should begin their video by stating their first and last name clearly while showing their face on camera. The uploaded ID will be used by PBAAC raters to confirm the presenter’s identity.

For information related to the requirements of the content presentation, please consult Section 5 of the Candidate Handbook: https://progressivebehavioranalyst.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/AP-Handbook_March-2024.pdf



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